
A Week in the Fall of Jerusalem is unavailable, but you can change that!

It is AD 70. And amidst smoke, clamor, and terror, Jerusalem is falling to the Romans, its temple being destroyed. As Jews and Christians try to escape the city, we travel with some of them through an imagined week of flight and faith. A scribe makes his way into Galilee in search of records of Jesus’ life and teachings. A company of women, responding to a prophecy, travels the route to a new...

Fear rose in her chest in a familiar way, and brought back a time in her life when it had been her constant companion. Joanna had returned to Jerusalem from Roma after her husband, Andronicus, had been martyred during Nero’s crackdown four years earlier. Andronicus had been swept up by the same Roman net that had caught the Jesus followers Peter and then Paul. None of them emerged alive from their time in the wretched prison called Tullianum. Andronicus had been crucified near the Appian Way. Joanna
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